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Nigerian style: Chicken curry sauce

Hello, Wishing everyone a happy new year with our special chicken curry recipe. I know I have been off this blog for a while. I promise to be frequent this year cause of the demand for our recipe.  So, here it is... Recipe Chicken breast, Green pepper, Red bell pepper (I used tatashe), Carrot, Scotch bonnet pepper(Ata rodo), Irish potato, Curry, Thyme, Flour, Grounded pepper, Garlic, Onion, Seasoning cube, Salt, Vegetable oil. Procedure: Wash and cut all vegetables. Wash chicken breast and boil with onion, Garlic, seasoning cube and a pinch of curry and thyme. Peel, cut and parboil potatoes, don't make it too soft. After boiling the chicken, in a clean pot, heat 2/3 spoons of vegetable oil. Depends on the amount of sauce you want to cook. Then pour your cut vegetables into d oil. Stir for few minutes... After that you add your seasoning cube, salt, curry, powdered garlic( I used),1\2 spoons of grounded pepper and stir. Stir

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